domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

El Lute

TASK #3:  A short biography of ......       (outlaw) 
GIVEN ON: 11/11/2015

DEADLINE: 15/11/2015


1. Find some information about the outlaw you have been given.
2. Make sure that you do your best to write about:

     His family background/ his-her personality/ the illegal acts he-she committed/ the geographical area where he was based/ the epoch when he lived/ some historical background of the time when they lived and were active 

Outlaws List:  1. El Lute, 2. Bin Laden, 3. Quico Sabate, 4. Carlos, 5. Chapo Guzmán, 6. Bonnie and Clyde, 7. Al Capone, 8. Jose María El Tempranillo, 9. Jesse James.    

Eleuterio Sánchez Rodríguez was born in 1942 in Salamanca , in western Spain. He was born into a desperately poor merchera peasant family while his father was in prison.
He spent two years  in prision for robery three chicken and robery a jewelry store in which ( se declaro culpable)
In prison he learned to read and write and sing, (logrando ) to pass his law and became a lawyer .
Lute was arrested last by the Civil Guard in the town of Punta Umbria Huelva after a  ( denuncia ) of treatment by his wife.
he has a five children with three different women.
Currently 2014 resides  between Niebla , Huelva and Cabezabellosa , Caceres.