domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

End of year evaluation of the english class


Dear students, I would really appreciate your opinion about the English class. Your impressions may be different from mine. I can only try and modify things if I become aware of whatever I may have missed. So, please, feel absolutely free to comment about any aspects related to the English class or the teacher . Quite often people and the way they do things make the difference (that refers to the teacher).
You may like to comment about any of the following :
Material used in class (books, videos, tests, etc)
Class work
Teacher’s communication style.
Method used in class
Interaction teacher-students
Students’ participation in class
Other activities, tasks or projects, done or not done.
Thanks for your contribution.

During this year I have realized that we can further improve the English class.
My first observation is that it is very good to use videos, books and exams,
that the videos we are taught to improve pronunciation of words, with books we can go over things we know and exams we can learn from the mistakes we have made but one thing I do not agree that the examinations should be corrected by the teacher and not by students .

On the other hand I like that does not send many duties but I would also like to correct them when we explain that we were wrong and not explain it better to do the exams well.

In conclusion there are many things we should improve both as students and teacher.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

 TASK #13

GIVEN ON: 18/05/2016
DEADLINE: 22/05/2016
INSTRUCTIONS:  THINK  of a recent memorable occasion when you met family and/or friends over a meal. USE  the following guide to WRITE about it.

What was the occasion?
What time of the day did the meal take place?
Where did it take place?
Who was at the meal?
What did you eat?
How long did the meal go on for?
Other interesting information you remember?

We met on 31 December last year and was the day of New Year's Eve .We all gathered at my sister house , my mother and I arrived at five in the afternoon.
We drank some (refresco) and my family was talking until I get the food.
Ate (cordero asado )with (pimientos ) and other things later came the dessert, it was a cake of cheese and, i was twelve when we ate grapes.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

Describing a favourite character


GIVEN ON: 22/01/2016
DEADLINE: 27/01/2016
INSTRUCTIONS: WRITE  a description of a favourite fiction character of yours from a film/TV show/novel/comic. USE the guide below to help you:

Paragraph 1: What's the character's name? What's the name of the film/TV show/book, etc where thay appear? What's it about?

Paragraph 2: Describe the character's appearance?

Paragraph 3: Describe the character's personality. Why is s/he interesting? 

 My favourite character is Michelle Rodriguez. she is the protagonist of the movie "Resident evil ". This film is divided into 5 acts.This film it premiered in 2002.
Something terrible is happening in the laboratory, a place on land used for genetic research by the Umbrella Corporation  . A deadly viral outbreak is ( desencadena ), and in response, the Red Queen, a supercomputer that controls and monitors the activities, seal the whole place to contain the epidemic killing all employees.Should carry out a command to (aislar) the virus that has liquidated all Umbrella research. But the team soon discovers that workers are not really dead.
This character is my favourite because I like science-fiction movies.