domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

End of year evaluation of the english class


Dear students, I would really appreciate your opinion about the English class. Your impressions may be different from mine. I can only try and modify things if I become aware of whatever I may have missed. So, please, feel absolutely free to comment about any aspects related to the English class or the teacher . Quite often people and the way they do things make the difference (that refers to the teacher).
You may like to comment about any of the following :
Material used in class (books, videos, tests, etc)
Class work
Teacher’s communication style.
Method used in class
Interaction teacher-students
Students’ participation in class
Other activities, tasks or projects, done or not done.
Thanks for your contribution.

During this year I have realized that we can further improve the English class.
My first observation is that it is very good to use videos, books and exams,
that the videos we are taught to improve pronunciation of words, with books we can go over things we know and exams we can learn from the mistakes we have made but one thing I do not agree that the examinations should be corrected by the teacher and not by students .

On the other hand I like that does not send many duties but I would also like to correct them when we explain that we were wrong and not explain it better to do the exams well.

In conclusion there are many things we should improve both as students and teacher.

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